Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Rubrics in Blackboard SP11

In our current version of Blackboard, you can create rubrics and associate them with assignments, but their usefulness ends there. Currently, you can't grade using these rubrics, and students can't view them. This all changes with SP11. In the new version, students are able to see the rubrics so they understand your grading criteria before they start an assignment, and you'll be able to grade and give feedback to students using interactive rubrics. Rubrics can be imported and exported for use across courses.

Rubrics Video Tutorials

To find out more about rubrics, watch these three videos and try them out on our test server.

Rubrics Resources

Import Rubrics

Blackboard has gathered a few rubrics from the higher ed community that can be imported into Blackboard, then edited to meet your needs. These are available at http://www.blackboard.com/Platforms/Learn/Products/Blackboard-Learn/Features/Sharing-Rubrics.aspx.

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