Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Canvas Release Notes (2016-08-27)

One of the things people like about Canvas, is that instead of making huge changes once or twice a year, Canvas makes small changes every third Saturday. On the Monday before the release, they publish release notes which include a video showing the changes. I will begin posting these release notes to this blog so everyone can stay up to date with Canvas changes.

Usually, watching the video will provide enough information, but if you want to know more, you can read the Full Release Notes.

New Feature Video

Full Release Notes


Monday, August 8, 2016

@ONE Classes for Fall

Hopefully, you have had a wonderful summer and are now getting geared up for the fall semester. To help you get back into the swing of things @ONE is offering several courses you may be interested in.

4-Week Courses

Online Education Standards & Practices (OESP)
8/15/16 - 11/18/16
9/19/16 - 12/16/16
This is @ONE's new course that teaches how to teach online course. A certificate of completion can be earned which would qualify you for teaching online at Cuyamaca College.

Introduction to Teaching with Canvas (FA1610)
8/15/16 - 9/9/16
This is the same course offered here at Cuyamaca College.

Online Teaching Conference 2016 Videos

Videos from the June, 2016 conference are available. To see the full schedule of presentations and recorded archive information visit the Online Teaching Conference website.

Lynda.com available through the Professional Learning Network

Lynda.com is one of the best resources available to learn a variety of computer programs, as well as teaching tips, and management videos. This is how I learn everything I know about computers and they've recently added an updated video tutorial series about Canvas.

Lynda.com is offered to us for free through the Professional Learning Network (PLN), which is a clearing house for all the professional development offered by the state chancellor's office. The best way to learn about PLN is by attending the workshop during Flex Week on August 19, at 10am. @ONE is offering free webinars about this as well.

Register for: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 - 12:00pm (pacific time)
Register for: Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 12:00pm (pacific time)