Monday, November 24, 2008

Bb Exemplarary Course Program

Blackboard has announced:

"The 2009 Blackboard Exemplary Course Program is now open and accepting course submissions for review and applications for ECP Reviewers.

Since its launch in 2000, the Blackboard Exemplary Course Program aims to help faculty use e-Learning technology more effectively by identifying and disseminating best practices for designing engaging online courses. Using a rubric, instructors and course designers are able to evaluate how well their own course conforms to best practices for Course Design, Interaction & Collaboration, Assessment and Learner Support.

Please consider participating in the 2009 Exemplary Course Program by submitting a course of your own or volunteering to be a reviewer or both!"
To learn more about the program visit (look at the right side of the page)

Even if you don't want to compete for this honor, their rubric for evaluating a course is quite extensive and could give you a sense of how your course compares.

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